© Photo by Robert Larsen
God's Perfect Timing
February 2012
God's Leading
My husband and I were renting in an area where many new houses were being built. One house stood out from the rest. It was completed at the end of 2009. The house was grey and we liked the look of it, but we thought nothing more than this.
We drove, ran, walked past this house every day for 2 years, until one day I began to like it more than usual. Unbeknown to me, the same thing was happening to my husband. The house cropped up in our conversation one night where we were amazed to discover that we both liked it. We thought, however, that the people living there were unlikely to want to sell because they hadn't lived there for long (after all the effort of building it). But one night, I found myself praying,
"God if that grey house was for sale, then we wouldn't mind buying it".
Suddenly, a scripture came to my mind:
Matthew 7:7-8
7 ‘Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
and a small, soft voice saying,
"Why not knock on the door and ask, just as the scripture said?
I reasoned that this was worth a try. There was nothing to lose, the worst that could happen would be them saying "no". So we decided to knock on the door the next day, but due to our busy schedule, we completely forgot to do it. Consequently, we planned to knock on the door the following day.
Knock and Ask
When we arrived at the house, we saw a black car sitting on the driveway, so we knew someone was in. We rang the doorbell and waited, but no one opened the door. We rang it a second time, but again no one came to the door.
"Hmm.. so much for the scripture!", I laughed, thinking how ironic that the door did not open.
We waited for a few minutes before we finally gave up. We decided to leave, and maybe come back the next day. But just as we were leaving, a pink car turned into the driveway - it was the lady of the house.
We asked her if she would be willing to sell her house. Her jaw dropped in response. She told us that the house was actually already sold to a buyer --- until one hour ago. Indeed, just one hour earlier, she had had a call at work to say that the sale had fallen through because her buyer couldn't get the finances. Consequently, she was now arriving home to tell her husband of this bad news.
She stated that she would still be selling her house. So, she invited us in to view the house. The second we walked in, we knew that it was the one for us. We loved it and wanted to buy it. The previous buyer had offered a rather high price, higher than what we could afford. We offered what we could, and to our surprise it was accepted! She explained that because there was no estate agent involved, she would have no fees to pay, and could therefore afford to accept a lower offer. How good is God?!!
God's Perfect Timing
As we looked back at the whole event, it occurred to me that:
Had we remembered to knock on the first day as planned, the house would still have been sold to the other buyer. We would have been disappointed, walked away, never to return, and would have missed the opportunity of buying it.
Had the door been opened (by the man/husband of the house) before his wife arrived, he would have told us that the house was already sold to the other buyer (as he wouldn't have yet known that the sale with the other buyer had fallen through).
Had we missed the lady of the house in her pink car, and returned the next day, she would have put the house on the market with an estate agent. This would mean that she would not have been able to accept a lower offer, but also that we would have had to compete with other people to buy it.
We realised that it was all divinely orchestrated, and perfectly timed by God. Not a moment too soon, and not a day too late; we weren't even supposed to speak to the man/husband. The scripture was true - the door was opened after all, as we knocked, but not in the literal way that we had expected. We have been truly blessed with this house, and we believe that God gave it to us for very good reasons - not just as a roof over our heads, but for His glory too.
Moral of the Story
If you are waiting on God for something, and nothing seems to be happening.... do not lose heart. It's not because God is slow, but because He is busy working in the background, orchestrating for things to happen. When the right time arrives, He will execute swiftly. Thus, His timing is never less than perfect.
Isaiah 60:22
I am the Lord;
in its time I will do this swiftly.
© Elma Larsen. All rights reserved.