Healing from a Tithing Sermon
August 2013
Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash
A Heart with an Attitude
With the many miracles that I have received from tithing (see The Many Miracles of Tithing and The Miracles of Tithing from Gross Income) I could not help, but share the power that lies in tithing.
A few weeks ago, I was given the opportunity to preach about it. And as would be commonly expected, a sermon on tithing would be given to encourage people who do not (yet) tithe to tithe, or to encourage those who are already tithing to continue to do so. I have seen different kinds of miracles happened to people who responded to tithing, but never, in a million years, have I ever heard of someone being healed from a tithing sermon.
The story is quite simple, yet powerful. A man was suffering from depression after losing his job. He had been faithfully tithing all the time he was working. He tried so hard to get a new job, but kept getting rejections, so he started to blame God for not being faithful back to him. He had the attitude that God owed him something for all his tithe-giving.
During the sermon, he realised that he had the wrong attitude - tithing is giving back to God (not giving to God). God doesn't owe anybody anything, His blessings are given out of grace. In fact, it is a privilege to be able to give back to God who already has everything (for He created and owns the entire universe).
Healing in Repentance
The man repented of his heart attitude, and proceeded to remove the conditions of his giving. Then prayed about his depression and asked for peace. Suddenly a peace came over him (just as he asked) and God lifted his depression. For the first time in a long time, he felt happy, so happy, and was excited that God had healed him from depression.
Tithing and healing are two completely different topics, yet God used tithing to heal. Only God can do this, He is genius! His ways are higher than our ways, far beyond what we could ever imagine. All praise and glory be to Him!
Isaiah 6:10
... Otherwise they might see with their eyes,
hear with their ears,
understand with their hearts,
and turn and be healed.”
© Elma Larsen. All rights reserved.