Stories in this Section
Luke 6:12
12 One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.
Mark 1:35
35 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.
Luke 5:16
16 But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.
Psalm 119:145-148
145 I call with all my heart; answer me, Lord, and I will obey your decrees. 146 I call out to you; save me and I will keep your statutes.147 I rise before dawn and cry for help; I have put my hope in your word.148 My eyes stay open through the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promises.
Psalm 63:6-8
6 On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night. 7 Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. 8 I cling to you; your right hand upholds me.
In all my time of being a Christian, praying all night long (so called "Night Prayer") had never entered my mind until one Saturday evening - when I was invited to speak about "Prayer" by a handful of African ladies.
That evening, as I shared all I knew about prayer, I came to the realisation that these ladies were using my sermonette to start them off into a whole night of prayer. They were all very excited about the night ahead, and were expectant of the Lord's presence.
When I left the ladies to their night prayer and drove home, I saw many young people just starting out in their night of partying and drinking. The girls were walking the streets, dressed provocatively, whilst the boys look on them with lust. I felt a deep sadness for them. I saw just how lost their souls were, how far they were from Jesus, and how oblivious they were to the group of African ladies down the road who were about to start praying the whole night in the presence of Jesus. It was then that I saw the two very contrasting worlds: the world of the lost and the world of the saved, with their very opposing activities - one led to death, whilst the other led to life. This propelled in me the desire to conduct my own night prayers.
In the weeks following, I got together with a group of Columbian ladies to do just that. Then, some time later, with a group of Filipino ladies. The results of both of these night prayers were amazing which I have shared in this section.
Night prayer has now become a habit of mine, to pray for the lost, the persecuted body of Christ, the government and leaders of nations, the sick, the depressed, family and friends, to name but a few.
It is my hope that the stories in this section will inspire you to do the same for the people in your community and in your life.
© Elma Larsen. All rights reserved.