Divine Appointments
November 2016
An Unexpected Trip
There was an Asian woman who lived in Hong Kong with her family. She had been feeling very tired, and had also been thinking how nice it would be to visit her siblings abroad. Unfortunately, she didn't have the money to buy the airplane ticket, so her wish remained only a dream. As usual, God was watching and listening to her heart, and before long, He started to orchestrate a most amazing trip to visit her siblings; a trip that was to be filled with many "divine appointments"...
The first divine appointment happened when, out of the blue, the woman met an old friend. This friend had been having some health issues, and needed somebody to accompany her back to the country where her siblings were living. So she asked the woman if she could help accompany her, and offered to pay for her airfare. The woman was thrilled, and gladly accepted. She knew that it was no coincidence, it was God's doing. She was looking forward to seeing her siblings.
Upon her arrival, her sisters (who knew us) began telling her about our ministry of Healing and Deliverance. Immediately, she felt a desire to do a session with us - it was as if this was one of the major reasons for her trip; another divine appointment! Working around her schedule of visiting friends, we finally managed to book a day for Healing (on a weekday) and a day for Deliverance (on a Saturday), but we still needed to book a room in a church for both days.
Knowing Father God had everything under control, we stepped out in faith, and asked around churches to see if they had any room available.
Healing the Heart
One church that we approached had a room available during a weekday, so immediately we booked it. Upon arrival, we were given a lovely, private room to use for as long as we needed to. It was indeed divine favour!
We spent the next 7 hours in that room. During this session, I spoke of how important it was to repent, and to ask for God's forgiveness. This not only broke the strongholds in her life (which evil spirits latch onto), but it also wiped her slate clean.
Independently of the session, the woman also said that she had been thinking of her need for baptism for some time, even while she was on her way to see us. She had already been baptised when she was young, but with no knowledge of why, and what for. She definitely did not recall ever having to repent of any of her sins (such is the case with a lot of church baptisms nowadays). With this new revelation given to her, she requested to be baptised after she had received ministry from us.
The woman proceeded to confess, and repented of all her sins: sins against herself, against other people, and against God. She also forgave all the people who had hurt her, and confessed a very long list of names of those she had judged. It seemed to me that judging had been very much part of her life, and the culture she lived in. I suspected that the Judgmental spirit would be a significant one to cast out.
During the session, it transpired also that she had been dedicated to the Chinese goddess of mercy (Kwan Yin) when she was a baby. So, we nullified that dedication in the Name of Jesus, and re-dedicated her to the Lord Jesus. As part of this we also broke the generational soul ties and curses.
As I was reading out the prayers to deal with generational sins and iniquities, with her repeating after me, a strange thing happened to my ears. I heard my voice becoming faint and distant as if something came between the woman and me, blocking the airway between us. Suddenly I felt a presence in the room. Whatever it was, it was trying to distract the prayers from being said. I then asked the woman if she was experiencing the same, to which she replied that all was normal for her. Aware of a spiritual battle, I continued fervently with the prayers with her repeating after me until we reached the end of the prayers.
Another thing that surfaced during the session was the woman's ordeal with brain tumour a few years earlier. It had caused bleeding on the brain for 5 days, and the surgeon who operated on her said she was lucky to have survived, and that she really should have died. She knew the Lord had given her a new lease of life, and so after the surgery she gave her all to the Lord Jesus. So when it came to this trip, she was ready more than ever to be cleansed and delivered.
Our experience of ministering deliverance varies greatly from person to person. We just never know how it will go, and how long it will take. We had managed to book a room in a church for deliverance, however due to their working bee in the morning, we were told to start no earlier than 2pm. This late start meant that we would have to work into the evening, and potentially into a second day of deliverance. This would have been OK, but it would also have meant waiting another week before we could book the room again to finish the deliverance, which was less than ideal since some momentum could be lost in the intervening time. However, since it was proving difficult to hire a room elsewhere, we decided to accept what was made available to us, and hope and pray for the best.
As I went to pick up the keys to the church the day before deliverance, I was told that they had cancelled their working bee, which in turn meant that we could start as early as we wanted to, and make the most of the day. Thrilled and amazed at hearing this, I saw once again how God was orchestrating everything for this woman's deliverance to go smoothly. It was yet another divine favour for this divine appointment! I thanked God profusely, and determined to make the most of the opportunity given.
So, on the day of deliverance we started early, and after praying all we needed to for protection, we proceeded with the actual deliverance itself.
The evil spirits manifested and left the woman's body through many different ways, including yawning, wailing, screaming, coughing, burping, crying, retching, body shaking, through the fingers, through vomiting foam and slime, at times with specks of blood (depending on how deep rooted they were). More than this, five of the evil spirits (Doubt, Poverty, Hoarding, Uselessness, and Jezebel) left through the passing of wind (with the woman looking innocent each time, whilst we ran for cover...! :)) Unsurprisingly and interestingly, it didn't smell, just as the vomiting typically didn't smell.
Having been dedicated to the Chinese goddess of mercy (Kwan Yin) when she was a baby, we called out the spirit of Kwan Yin. With much wailing, retching, burping, yawning, and chest cramps, it tried to trick us into thinking that it had left. But by the power of the Holy Spirit, we sensed its trickery and continued to drive it out, until it finally left through a deep breath.
We also cast out other evil spirits associated with such demonic baby dedication, such as the spirits of Idolatry, False Religion, Religious spirit, Spiritual Blindness, Tradition and Culture, Hereditary spirit, Familiar spirit, Curses, and Witchcraft, to name but a few. All manifested, and left with no problems.
The Holy Spirit worked tirelessly with us for 10 hours, during which time 92 evil spirits were cast out. Hallelujah, thank you Lord!
As we closed the deliverance session, we thanked God for every ounce of freedom He had given to her. We thanked Jesus for the power, and authority that was in His Name, and for His precious blood that made the deliverance possible. We also thanked the Holy Spirit for His power, and His partnership with us. We then asked Him to inhabit all the places in the woman's body in which the evil spirits used to reside; her whole body was now His dwelling place!
Before parting ways to go home, we anointed the woman with oil to seal the work that was done, and then prayed for her protection. We were all very tired, but extremely happy with everything that happened. Glory be to God!
Interesting Manifestations
Other significant and interesting events that occurred during deliverance were as follows:
The Judgmental spirit was the longest, and the most stubborn to cast out. Having been a big part of the woman's life and culture, it was inevitably deep rooted in her body. As it left, the woman vomited out its foamy nest along with specks of blood.
The spirit of Blame was also interesting: it manifested in head jerks, screaming, and twisting the woman's mouth before finally leaving through yawning.
When we cast out the spirit of Trauma, the woman clasped her head in pain saying she could feel the jolt of a severe headache. After some minutes, the spirit left through yawning, coughing, along with its foamy nest. As soon as it left, the headache left instantly, too. It would appear that the spirit of Trauma may have contributed to the woman's brain tumour issue in the past because it was the only evil spirit that manifested in the form of pain to the head.
Still focusing on the issue of the brain tumour, we decided to call out the spirit of Cancer and the spirit of Brain Tumour itself. To our surprise, both spirits manifested. Cancer manifested in wailing, yawning, and retching with chest cramps before leaving through a big burp. Brain tumour put up more of a fight, but eventually manifested, and left in the same manner.
Still addressing physical infirmities, we called out the spirit of High Blood Pressure. As soon as the woman heard this, she turned to us and said, "I don't have that!". we simply smiled and continued to call it out, and to her surprise, it started to manifest. The woman felt cramps in her heart and then burped as it left. Realising then that she did have it after all, she asked how that was possible since her blood pressure was actually quite low in reality. Our answer was that this spirit was passed on to her through the generational line, waiting for an opportune time to manifest sometime later in her life. Praise God that He has now spared her from this.
Having been dedicated to the Chinese goddess of mercy (Kwan Yin) when she was a baby, we called out the spirit of Kwan Yin. With much wailing, retching, burping, yawning, and chest cramps, it tried to trick us into thinking that it had left. But by the power of the Holy Spirit, we sensed its trickery and continued to drive it out, until it finally left through a deep breath.
We also cast out other evil spirits associated with such demonic baby dedication, such as the spirits of Idolatry, False Religion, Religious spirit, Spiritual Blindness, Tradition and Culture, Hereditary spirit, Familiar spirit, Curses, and Witchcraft, to name but a few. All manifested, and left with no problems.
The Holy Spirit worked tirelessly with us for 10 hours, during which time 92 evil spirits were cast out. Hallelujah, thank you Lord!
As we closed the deliverance session, we thanked God for every ounce of freedom He had given to her. We thanked Jesus for the power, and authority that was in His Name, and for His precious blood that made the deliverance possible. We also thanked the Holy Spirit for His power, and His partnership with us. We then asked Him to inhabit all the places in the woman's body in which the evil spirits used to reside; her whole body was now His dwelling place!
Before parting ways to go home, we anointed the woman with oil to seal the work that was done, and then prayed for her protection. We were all very tired, but extremely happy with everything that happened. Glory be to God!
A Baptism for a New Beginning
With only two weeks left of her visit, and baptism on the agenda, we were looking out for a sunny day on which we could do this. But the days and weeks were filled with torrential rain, flooding, gale-force winds, and even a magnitude 7.8 earthquake, complete with several magnitude 6+ aftershocks!
All the same, three days before leaving, Father God finally provided the perfect weather for baptism: a beautiful sunny day, not much in the way of wind, clear and warm water - so unlike the previous days and weeks. Yet again, another divine favour for a divine appointment. Thank you Lord!
After declaring her love for Jesus with tears in her eyes, and stating her desire to follow Jesus for the rest of her days, we baptised the woman in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Her tears continued as she came up out of the water, and while we prayed over her. It was a beautiful moment for her, and for all of us.
Baptism - 20 November 2016
Photo by Robert Larsen
A Beautiful Day
After savouring the moment, we all made our way to the changing rooms, wet and happy. As we did so, we were stopped by a young couple asking us what had just taken place; they had been watching us from a distance. Taking the opportunity to witness, the woman shared her commitment and her love for Jesus, again with tears in her eyes. This encounter with the couple was yet again another divine appointment set up by God - who knows the domino effect this may have on the couple. But for us that day, it was certainly a very special day, also knowing the rejoicing that was going on in heaven! Hallelujah!
Praise be to God for all that He does - His divine favours, and His divine appointments!
Luke 15:7
I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.
Acts 2:38-39
Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”
© Elma Larsen. All rights reserved.